Prayer Request

Whatever chapter of your life... whether struggling in school, starting a new family, or dealing with addiction, illness, or death... you're never alone at Connect Church! Let us know what your challenges are and we will pray for you. If you wish, your prayer request will also be posted below, so the whole Church (not just our staff) may together pray to God that He will ensure your well-being.

Please Pray!

Below are prayer requests that have been submitted by our congregants. Please pray for these people (and click the "hands" so they know that someone did)!


Please pray for a miracle healing of my incurable sickness, which I have been suffering for years. It also hinders me from getting married. Thank You


Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You


After 7 years of remission since my mom's breast cancer, we have found out it has come back and spread to her bones. She now has advanced metastatic breast cancer of the bones. My beautiful Mom starts her treatments on Monday June 10th. She will be on chemo and bone injections. Please pray with me she responds well to treatment and we still have healthy years with her. I've seen God do amazing things in my life and I am hanging on tight to Him. Thank you for the prayers❤️


Prayer palam 91 over Andrew Pick and prayer for healing from depression bipolar disorder and God to take all side effects from medication away. God to have my days productive days wonderful blessed and get on a healthy schedule every day praise God also prayer to remove strongman of infirmity and heal my whole body from sickness disease and restore back my health to good health and grow healthier each day and if I'm not saved God to save me


Pray for Andrew Pick Physical healing and good health and healing from suicidal thoughts depression God to heal my body restore it to working well again praise God also protection and God to comfort me and help me heal my mind body emotions and give me long life and good health and salvation and assurance of salvation and I go to heaven praise God and God to show me If I'm saved and remove a stony heart